The 39th Annual Illinois Snow Sculpting Competition took place this past weekend at Sinnissippi Park in Rockford, Illinois. Despite the frigid temperatures, sculptors from across the state gathered to showcase their creativity and skill in transforming blocks of snow into stunning works of art. Twelve teams competed for the honor of representing Illinois at the national level, while eleven high school teams participated in their own division.
The sculptors braved single-digit and below-zero temperatures as they worked tirelessly to bring their visions to life. One notable team, the Windy City Snowmen, captured attention with their sculpture titled “Jonah and the Whale.” Team member Kim McCombs and her colleagues earned the Committee’s Choice Award and secured third place in the competition for their efforts. The Snowbeards, composed of Jared Corey, Bryan Douglas, and Valeria Walters, also stood out with their rendition of James P.
illinois snow sculpting contest winners
“Sullie” Sullivan from the animated film “Monsters Inc.” Corey was seen busily scooping up snow to perfect their creation, demonstrating the team’s dedication to their craft. The high school teams added a youthful energy to the event, with each group working diligently to complete their snow sculptures.
Their enthusiasm and talent were on full display, contributing to the overall success of the competition. The grand winner of the 2025 Snow Sculpting Competition was The Band of Misfit Boys with their sculpture titled “Chip Monk.” Second place, receiving the Mayor’s Award, went to “Always on my Mind” by Cave People From Space, while “Jonah and the Whale” by Windy City Snowmen took third place and the Rockford Park District Award. In the high school division, Keith Country Day School secured first place with “Snow Lucky,” followed by Rockford Lutheran’s “Welcome to Flockford” in second, and Rockford Christian School’s “River Bank” in third.
The sculptures will remain on display at Sinnissippi Park as long as weather conditions allow, with viewing available to the public through both walking and drive-thru options. The event, a cherished local tradition, invites enthusiasts of all ages to witness the artistry and endurance of its participants, who transform simple blocks of snow into stunning masterpieces.