A Maryland man has built a larger-than-life bronze statue of Donald Trump. The statue depicts Trump with his fist raised in the air. It is set to be unveiled in February, just in time for President’s Day.
Steven Barber, a 63-year-old from Columbia, Maryland, created the statue. He calls it the “Trump Defiance Monument.” The statue shows Trump with his arm out and his tie flying in the wind. Barber worked with a family-owned business in Colorado to build the statue.
It took about four months to complete and cost around $300,000. Barber said he found his inspiration for sculpting later in life. “I was 57 years old before I had my best idea.
Trump Defiance Monument unveiled
Don’t ever give up, overcome, improvise, adapt; you cannot fail in America, that’s what I love about this country,” he said. The statue is expected to be unveiled at Trump International Golf Course in Palm Beach, Florida.
Barber also has plans to build replicas of the monument on the West Coast and in Texas. He said creating monuments is a group effort, with over 70 people involved in this project. Barber believes monuments tell a story of time around the world.
This project has given him a newfound sense of purpose. “Once you taste purpose, the taste of simply existing is completely unsatisfying,” he said. The unveiling of the statue comes ahead of Trump’s second inauguration as president.
Trump won the recent election in a landslide victory over outgoing Vice President Kamala Harris. He will be sworn in on January 20, along with Vice President-elect JD Vance.